1. FreeToastHost Audit

1.3. Appearance

The Appearance tab has several items on it that control how your website appears. You should review them to make sure your site displays as intended.

[FTH Banner Text]

The Banner Text setting lets you enter different text from your club name to put at the top of your pages. This can be useful if you have a very long club name and want to use a short form of it so it fits better. For example, if your full club name is "Grandview Local Host & Toast Communicators", you may want to use "GV Host & Toast" here as a short form.

[FTH Hide Menu Links]

Another setting of note is Hide Menu Links. This option is essential if you do not maintain certain aspects of your FTH site. After one meeting at one of my clubs, a guest noted that they had looked at our calendar and didn't see any upcoming meetings, so almost assumed we didn't meet anymore. In response, we decided to hide the club calendar so that no one else would make that mistake (especially considering a lot of people would likely just shrug their shoulders and go looking for another club) and we wouldn't put off potential guests.

When you're done making changes, select Save