2. Why Do First Impressions Matter?

First impressions (of any kind) can determine whether a potential member will trust and like your club. You may have a quality listing on Toastmasters.org and a stellar marketing site, but if your response to e-mail or phone calls isn't good, you will have a gap that can turn off your prospects to your club.

Consider that most people seeking out Toastmasters are not only nervous and afraid about public-speaking, but also about your club and its ability to help them. It's a brand new environment that has its own customs, ways of doing things, terminology, and so on, which can cause a lot of stress. This is why you need the "out of the box experience" that is as smooth as possible for your prospects, guests, and new members.

The more difficult, confusing, or stress-inducing your first impressions are, the less likely you will have prospects turn into guests, and guests turn into members. Conversely, the better you handle your first impressions, the more chance you will have to get guests to join.