This lesson will introduce you to the RDG Club Rescue program.
2. What Do You Mean, RDG?
I've seen many "recovery efforts" for various clubs in my time in Toastmasters, and there's a few symptoms of a "normal" club rescue versus a RDG (or Really Dang Good) club rescue. Having experienced quite a few of these efforts, I can tell you what separates the mediocre from the marvelous. Here's some typical "symptoms" to watch for:
"Normal" (read: mediocre) Club Rescue
- Low awareness of real issues causing guests to not return, and members to leave
- Middling "planning" with lots of nice ideas and "should dos", but little or no follow up
- Low initiative to seek out and correct issues
- No effort by leadership to improve themselves
- Confuses having tools or setting up technology with affecting real change
- Little engagement of the club
RDG Club Rescue
- Starts with BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) like "Achieve President's Distinguished for 3+ Years" and "reach 30-35 active members"
- Effectively and consistently engages the officers and the members to play roles in the recovery
- Proactively seeks out issues, challenges, and problems, then makes action plans with deadlines and assigned members to take decisive action on them
- Clearly and consistently explains why it's worth working toward these goals, creating mental images that both push toward goals and pull away from failure
- Leaders continuously pushing their own development
- Effectively uses tools and technology to save on unnecessary work, but knows they are just pieces towards a larger strategic vision
If pressed to identify what separates a "normal" from a RDG rescue operation in a tl;dr (too long, didn't read) format, it would be "Identifies and attacks weaknesses in the club with intelligent, consistent, and effective action". Many officers meetings list a lot of things to do (usually as "this would be nice for the club"), but not a lot put deadlines on them, or decide who will do them. RDG Rescues demand accountability and consistent motion toward goals.