Completion requirements
This lesson will help you lay the foundation for your success by making sure you get access to various online resources, including Toastmasters International, Easy Speak, and so on. You'll also take steps to get setup with a mentor and decide your goals.
2. Membership Survey & Your Goals
First, fill out a New Member Profile. You will need to be logged in to TI.
Next, complete the Member Interest Survey. This will help you clarify your goals. Since you're a new member, it's likely that some of the survey will not be applicable to you, so complete what you can.
Once these are complete, give them to your VP of Membership. You may want to keep a copy of the survey to remind yourself of your goals.
Next, complete the Member Interest Survey. This will help you clarify your goals. Since you're a new member, it's likely that some of the survey will not be applicable to you, so complete what you can.
Once these are complete, give them to your VP of Membership. You may want to keep a copy of the survey to remind yourself of your goals.