This lesson will go over roles & responsibilities common to all officers.
3. Responsibilities In Depth
All Officer Duties
- Keep current with Toastmasters events, etc.
This can be done by knowing what events are going on at the club level (usually via executive meetings), as well as checking your district site at least monthly. You'll want to know about contests, conferences, renewals, elections, and promotions - generally, all events should be promoted two months in advance when possible.
- Read relevant portions of Club Leadership Handbook (available online)
This is updated every year. Your club should receive physical copies as well.
- Attend officer training (twice a year)
This is a DCP requirement.
- Develop club success plan with other officers and commit to your relevant points
A club without a plan is a club that wants to fail. The club should receive a physical copy of the club success plan that all the officers should review, and a digital version is available.
- Suggest improvements for the club
- Develop implementation plans for these suggestions and carry them out
This can be done informally as well as during Moments of Truth.
- Greet and assist guests at meetings
Every officer should assist as needed, not just the VPM.
- Bring member concerns to officer committee
If complaints come to an officer, they need to be brought to the attention of all officers, as appropriate. If these aren't acted upon or the officers aren't sure how to handle the issue, the president should engage with the area director.
- Maintain officer folder (see resources section)
- Keep at least three membership applications on hand at all times
This folder helps officers, especially new ones, be responsive to the top potential member questions including: "How much does it cost?" and "How do I sign up?" The other resources help open and close meetings, plus have a reference to officer manual as needed.
- Update other officers as needed
This seems like a "duh" thing to include, but communication between officers breaking down can lead to serious problems. Holding regular one-on-one and executive meetings helps with this. I've seen failures of communication lead to missed meetings and breaches of trust. It's usually better to over-communicate than under-communicate.
- Attends and participates in Executive Committee meetings
- Have report ready for officer meetings
Holding RDG executive meetings will be covered in a later chapter.
- Prepare successor for office
This task is built into the month-by-month plans.