2. Applause (or, why is there so much clapping?)

One of the first things that struck me about Toastmasters is that there's a lot of clapping. If the energy of all that clapping could be harnessed, it would likely solve every energy crisis we'll ever have. Here's some do's and don'ts as guidelines.


  • Make sure to lead the applause unless you're a speaker (prepared speech, Table Topics, or evaluation). This especially applies to the Toastmaster, Table Topics Master, and General Evaluator. If a speaker is very close to the head of the room, take a second to clap before you take their hand so that the rest of the audience gets the cue.
  • Make it a point to stand along with your applause if it's someone's first speech or they just finished the last requirement for an educational award.


  • Be obnoxious with clapping by doing it too loudly or in an exaggerated fashion.
  • Do it on a table or desk.