2. Before, During, & After the Meeting

2.2. During the Meeting

Some clubs introduce the role of Table Topics Master during the meeting role explanation portion; you will want to be ready for this. Otherwise, after the prepared speakers section, you will be called upon by the Toastmaster. Move to the lectern and give a brief explanation of how the Table Topics segment works (include explanations about time and diversions). 

Before you are called up, you may want to assign members to a question so that when you are at the lectern you do not have to worry about it. Don't let others see your questions, of course!

After being called to the stage, introduce your theme and Table Topics in general (make sure you remind everyone about time limits and that it is perfectly okay to segue away from a question). If your club allows for it, tell guests that they can participate, but you'll show them a few examples from members first. When you are at the lectern, read the question, pause and scan the room for a few seconds, then make your choice as to who will answer it. Lead the applause, hand over control, and sit down. Make a note or two about the response you get for your recap, then when the speaker is finished, take back control, and repeat. Note the time after each table topic to make sure you don't make the meeting run long; ask the timer if you need assistance.

If you are going to allow guests, ask them if they are interested in participating after two Table Topics are completed by members as an example. If they say no, reassure them that this is fine. If they say yes, be sure to give them one of your easy questions.

Keep topic assignments short and to the point. Close with a request for the timer's report, a short summary of the speakers’ names and what question they answered, and a call for a vote for the best Table Topic response (if your club votes for this). After you are finished, hand off control to the Toastmaster.