2. Before, During, & After the Meeting

2.3. After the Meeting

Depending on how your club works, you will need to perform follow up tasks to complete your role. Below are some sample scenarios.

  • If your club requires speakers to supply their own media cards (SD cards and the like), they simply take their cards after the meeting, and you're finished. If they have you record them on their own smart phones, the same is true.
  • If your club uses a network share (usually corporate clubs), you'll need to copy the videos to there and alert the speakers that they're available.
  • If your club uploads videos to YouTube or other video sharing service, you'll need to follow that procedure. Make sure to set the videos to unlisted if the speakers request this, and provide links of the videos to the speakers. 
  • If your club has a pool of SD cards that are loaned out, you'll want to document who has cards checked out.