Completion requirements
While this role is almost always taken by an officer, it is still an integral part of the meeting that needs to be done well. Here's how.
2. Before, During, & After the Meeting
2.1. Before the Meeting
Before the meeting, you should plan out what items of club business need to be brought up. This can include:
- Contests (club, area, division, district...)
- Dues renewals (start two months out from due date)
- Elections & nominations
- Promotions (club, district)
- Officer training
- Officer meetings
- Other events
If you are following the RDG TM Officers program, your Month-by-Month plan should accommodate these events.
Make sure you know who the toastmaster for the day is and how to pronounce their name.
If your club has special awards for first speech or someone is earning an educational award, make sure you have those prepared.