4. Day 2

Two Days After the Previous Meeting
  • Members continue to confirm attendance or absence, as well as sign up for roles.
  • The Toastmaster checks what roles need filling and who is available to fill them.
  • The Toastmaster fills in their theme and meeting information on Easy Speak.
    • If you cannot think of a theme, default to the Moments of Truth theme cheat sheet in the Toastmasters Resources folder.

If the sign-up sheet did its job, the Toastmaster should only have to fill out very few roles. They should be calling, texting, or e-mailing as appropriate to get sign-ups for roles that are unfilled. Easy Speak should have current information on contact numbers; if not, this will need to be addressed.

Many clubs use themed meetings to add interest and entertainment. For new Toastmasters, this might be a bit too much to manage on a first time, but experienced Toastmasters should have no problem here. If no theme is forthcoming (or if the original Toastmaster hits a last minute snag), the Moments of Truth theme should be used. This can be found in the Toastmaster resources section, and a copy should be laminated to be kept with the club supplies.