5. Suggestions

  • Is your club feeling run down? You need to shake things up. Hold a not-Toastmasters event outside of the regular meeting once a month (please note: You can't use club funds for this). Make sure that newer members have something special for them; it will help them feel included when they may be shy. These events can be any number of things:
    • Sporting event
    • Board games
    • Movie meet
    • Trivia night
    • Bowling
    • Mini-Golf
    • Night out to eat
  • Invite other clubs in your area to participate in the above.
  • Follow up and follow through are some of your best tools in the VPM role. Always be sure to reach out to your guest and ex-member list 3-4 days before the meeting. 
    • When using e-mail, be careful about including too many links in a message. This can get it quickly flagged as spam and not seen. Your marketing site should be the bare minimum; from there potential members can join your Meetup group or take whatever steps you want them to.