Introduction to RDG TM Officers

3. What can you expect from this course?

There are some tenets and values of RDG that I've tried to apply evenly to each of the courses, and they'll be used here too.

  • Comprehensive. I've been in Toastmasters for over a decade and earned my DTM. I've served in every club office, and learned from dozens of other club officers. This course is meant to give you everything you need to be an effective club officer.
  • Battle-tested. There's hundreds if not thousands of books on leadership out there, never mind several different takes on officer training. I'll give you what's worked for me and others.
  • Time-efficient. Toastmasters is meant to make you a better person out in the real world, not be a second job. Every club is different, so you may need more "spin up" time to get things moving, but once you do, you should spend only 1-2 hours a week on officer work.
  • Always improving, always learning. RDG clubs aren't perfect, they're just trying to get there. There may be some situations I haven't talked about yet in this course or that don't make sense. I encourage you to talk about it in the provided forums so everyone can learn.

If your officers take what's here and consistently apply it, I promise you that you'll not only have a stronger club with stronger members along with a few new ribbons to show for it at the end of the year, you'll avoid officer burnout, confusion, lack of direction, and end up a better speaker and leader by the end of your term.

Let's get started.