Getting Setup

4. Easy Speak Setup

For this chapter, I'm assuming your club uses Easy Speak as it's member site for tracking goal progress. 

As you should have done with Toastmasters International, make sure to add the domain "" to your e-mail whitelists to make sure e-mail from Easy Speak does not get flagged as spam.

A club officer should setup your Easy Speak account after you join, and you will receive an e-mail with your user name and password. Once you have this, go to your club's Easy Speak site and confirm that you can login.

As of 5/30/2018, the login form is at the top left, and looks like this:

[Easy Speak Login]

As you did with TI, make sure to bookmark or favorite this site, as well as enter your login information into KeePass.

After you're logged in, you will see your club's iteration of Easy Speak. The first thing you should do is update your profile. To do that, go to the top menu bar, then select Profile, then Profile:

[ES Profile Edit]

On the next screen, go one tab at a time, changing items as needed. To be on the safe side, use the Save button before changing tabs. Once you've completed updates, use the Save button.

HINT: You can update your user name if you don't like the one you were assigned.

Once you are done, you can move on to the next area to setup.