How to General Evaluator the RDG Way

2. Before, During, & After the Meeting

2.1. Before the Meeting

As GE, you should be familiar with each of the meeting duties, preferably by having done them yourself. This will help you with the ins and outs of each role and give you a better understanding of how to provide good feedback. Barring that, research the guides available here and other resources to prepare yourself. 

Ensure that you understand the requirements for each speech to be given. This will help you when evaluating the evaluators.

Consult with the Toastmaster for any special considerations they may have prior to the meeting; as with evaluator and speaker, the Toastmaster may be wanting to improve aspects of their meeting skills they want you to watch for.

Some clubs will have you introduce the WAG, timer, and other role holders as part of your team. If this is the case, make sure you are familiar with how to pronounce their names and what role they have.

Some clubs will have you give introductions for the evaluators, as well as have you prepare one for the Toastmaster. Make sure you secure these ahead of time.

If the Toastmaster has a theme for the meeting, you can theme your segment around that theme, as with other roles.