How to Invocator the RDG Way

2. Performing Your Role

2.1. Before the Meeting

To prepare for your role as invocator, first check with the Toastmaster to see if there is a theme for the meeting, and try to find something related to use as an invocation. 

You want to find or create something that can be done within 2-3 minutes (shorter is fine, longer is not). An invocation can take many forms, such as a story, a quote, a poem, or mini speech. A good invocation has the following qualities:

  • Helps get the meeting into a good frame of mind; refocuses everyone's attention from their daily life, work, etc. to the content of the meeting
  • Is brief and to the point; no more than 3 minutes
  • If the material isn't original to you (such as a quote), name the source
  • All the guidelines, tips and tricks, etc. that apply to speeches apply to the invocation. The invocation is not normally evaluated, but you can always ask your mentor or another member to offer feedback

If your club is using Easy Speak, make sure you are signed up ahead of time.