The Online Audit - District, Other Sites, & Conclusion

1. District Website Audit

If your club belongs to a district, they almost certainly have a website. If you're not sure what the site is, you can do a Google search for "Toastmasters District" with your district number included. If you don't know your district number, you can login to Club Central, then select Distinguished Performance Report. Your region and district will appear on this report (as well as your DCP progress).

You can then use this page from TI to access your district's site. Be sure to bookmark your district's site, as it usually has information about training, contests, and promotions you'll want to know about.

Because every district's site is different, what you need to audit there varies. Mostly what you want to do is to verify that any mention of your club (such as club listings, area alignments, and so on) is accurate. It's likely that if any changes need to be made, you'll (usually) need to contact your district's webmaster.