MoT #3: Fellowship, Variety, & Communication

1. What is FVC?

If your club does nothing but "plain PIE"-style (Prepared speeches, Impromptu speaking, & Evaluations) meetings, your meetings are bound to get stale in fairly short order. If your members develop into cliques (new vs. old, old vs. young, etc.), you will have a fragmented club. Finally, if your members don't talk to each other, or your officers aren't communicating, you're going to have disconnects between expectations and reality, nevermind difficulty planning anything.

The metrics of Fellowship, Variety, & Communication (FVC) are intended to check on more subjective elements of your club that can have significant effects on membership retention and converting guests into members. People want to belong, feel useful, and have a balance between stability and variety. Taking care of your FVC factors will help.