Introduction to Moments of Truth

1. What's MoT?

Moments of Truth (or MoT) is a club maintenance program that Toastmasters International has developed to help clubs keep key areas of their club in working order. It focuses on the following six areas:

  • First Impressions
  • New Member Orientation
  • Fellowship, Variety, & Communication
  • Program Planning & Meeting Organization
  • Membership Strength
  • Achievement Recognition

TI has a digital kit (linked above) that includes slides, worksheets, and so on, based on the assumption that clubs will run MoT perhaps once a year, and in one sitting. This strategy may work for your club, but it's more likely that a different approach is more advantageous to your club, some of which will be advocated for and explained in this section. 

TI describes a "moment of truth" as the impression formed when someone comes into contact with any aspect of Toastmasters based on their experience at that particular time. Doing what you can to make sure these impressions are of RDG quality is the goal of this section. If you use the scorecards provided when evaluating your MoT quality, RDG quality would rate at a four or better in most (if not all) categories, with plans to maintain this quality as well as shore up lagging elements.