Club Rehab

1. Club Basics Review

Sometimes, considering the fundamentals can reveal that your club has been operating on flawed assumptions without realizing it. These include:

  • Meeting time - If members consistently have a hard time making the meeting time, it may be because the original time was set during the past, when making the meeting was more convenient for the members of that time, not for the members you have now. 
  • Meeting day - Similar to meeting time.
  • Meeting frequency - If your members aren't able to achieve their goals because there aren't enough speaking or leadership opportunities, you may need to adjust your meeting frequency. Many clubs meet on a weekly basis, while advanced clubs meet 1-2 times per month. If you're meeting less often, it can be hard to maintain enthusiasm and energy, but meeting too often can drain those as well. 
  • Meeting room - Does your meeting room have the space, amenities (projector/TV, seating, climate control...), and location that works for your members? Is it clean? Easy to access? Reliable? If not, it may be time to look elsewhere.

These are some very basic items, but your club should review them to make sure they make sense for your members, prospects, and guests.