How to Secretary the RDG Way

4. Your Two Week Startup Plan

As with the other officer roles, here's a two week startup plan to get a headstart your term. Don't forget to add these to the list in the All Officers section.

  1. You may need to compose a minutes document on letterhead documenting the election results for your bank or credit union to allow the new president and treasurer to take ownership of the club's account; ask about this.
  2. Acquire the records archive from the previous secretary.
  3. If your executive committee wants to keep executive meeting minutes private, set up a system to do so, like using Google Docs or a cloud drive like Dropbox. Notify the officers of this resource and have them bookmark it.
  4. Begin taking club and executive meeting minutes and composing meeting reports. Depending on the previous secretary, you may either want to send the report to them or just send it out yourself, but confirm with them how you want to work it out.
  5. If the previous secretary hasn't done it already, submit the list of elected officers to TI as well as Easy Speak and Free Toast Host. Make sure you select the proper "future" term.