How to Treasurer the RDG Way

4. Your Two Week Startup Plan

As with the other officer roles, here's two week startup plan tasks that are specific to your role to be done in the month prior to your term. Don't forget the All Officers two week plan as well. 

  1. If needed, meet with the former treasurer, former president, and current president at your bank or credit union to transfer your club's account. If your bank or credit union has online access, get that too. Make sure you receive statements (paper or electronic). 
  2. Begin creating or updating your budget plan.
  3. Consult with the SAA on club supplies levels.
  4. Cross compare your various rosters (TI, FreeToastHost, and Easy Speak). Make sure the member lists match.
  5. Do research on what your club can and cannot use club funds for, and what does and does not require a club vote to purchase.