How to SAA the RDG Way

4. Your Two Week Startup Plan

Here's a sample list of what to get done in the month before your term starts that's specific to the SAA role. Don't forget the All Officers two week plan as well.

  1. Take an inventory of club supplies and provide a report to the other officers. Ask the treasurer to order any needed items (e.g. ribbons, pins, ballots, etc.). 
  2. Create a backup supplies bag if needed.
  3. Create laminated directional signs and cheat sheets if needed (see the RDG TM Meetings course for samples).
  4. If there isn't a list of alternate meeting spots with contact information, create one. This list should include the location's name, address, point of contact name, phone number, e-mail address, and website. If your club uses Easy Speak, you can give the list to the administrator so they can update the location list in the Club Control Panel.
  5. Get to know your meeting room's contact. Let them know you and the president are the points of contact for your club.