Running the RDG Meeting
4. Table Topics
- The Toastmaster introduces and passes control to the Table Topics Master.
- The Table Topics Master explains Table Topics, including time limits and the ability to segue. If guests are present (and allowed to participate), they should note that they can choose to participate if they wish; the TTM will first have some members demonstrate.
- The TTM reads their first question, pauses, scans the room, then makes their first selection, passing control to that member.
- The member performs their response, then passes control back to the TTM.
- The TTM repeats that process one more time.
- The TTM asks guests if they would like to participate, assuring them it is okay not to.
- The TTM continues Table Topics for the allotted time, including guests if possible.
- At the end of Table Topics, the TTM calls for a timer's report, recaps who talked about what, and calls for a Best Table Topics vote.
- The TTM transfers control to the Toastmaster.
- The Toastmaster allows a moment for voting, then introduces the next element of their theme.
- The Toastmaster introduces the General Evaluator, and transfers control.