Running the RDG Meeting
2. 15 Minutes Before
- SAA (and crew) arrives and begins setting up the room (use your SAA Checklist). This includes:
- Arranging tables, desks, chairs, etc.
- Adjusting climate controls, lighting, and sound.
- Setting up banner and ribbons.
- Setting out ballots/evaluation forms.
- Setting out timer's materials (flags/light, stopwatch, timer counter sheet).
- Setting out WAG materials (WotD, WAG counter sheet)
- Setting out any other worksheets the club uses.
- Setting out name badges.
- Setting out role cheat sheets.
- Setting up lectern (if club has one).
- Sets out the gavel.
- Posting directional guide signs (if needed).
- Members begin arriving.
- If any key role holders are going to be late, they need to notify the Toastmaster so they can make substitutions.
- Toastmaster arrives and sets out agendas.
- The detail agenda and speaker introductions should be kept up front.
- Greet any guests, have them sign the guestbook, and give them a New Guest Packet if it's their first time at the club.
- The VPE brings the sign up sheet and begins passing it around.
- At the meeting start time, the presiding officer opens the meeting using the gavel.